So I'm starting to show-people are starting to ask me if I'm pregnant or they'll find out that I am and say "Oh I didn't want to ask but I thought you were". The bishop's wife actually told me that I "used to have such a a nice flat tummy so you must be pregnant." Thanks, Sister Curtis. But I don't mind. It makes me feel like I'm actually pregnant. Not that I'm complaining about not having morning sickness or being over emotional. I'm completely un-blog savy and I can't figure out how to get text over or under a picture. So bear with me- maybe someone can explain it to me. Don't you just love the arrows in the first and second ultrasound pictures? No doubt it's a boy. I love the technology of an ultrasound-now they can zoom in and see details, in the fourth picture that's his heart beat down at the bottom. And in the last picture a profile-this kid did not want to hold still for this, the technician kept having to shake my belly to get him to roll over into this position-and then he would roll right back over. A glimpse of things to come.
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