Thursday, October 18, 2012

Family Photos

We just had our family pictures done today. Consensus: the boys are super cute and James and I both need to lose weight. But still, I'm pretty happy with the turn out.

October Photos

Again, just some random photos of the kids.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Carter- 5 months + 1 week

I didn't get around to taking Carter's five month update pictures until this last Sunday which was 1 week past his being five months. But, at least it got done. These are some of my faves from the very quick shoot, for which I didn't even change him out of his jammies.

Stuff x2

Playing trains with Howie


Deacon was trying to change his baby's diaper. Mostly he just set the baby on top of the diaper and put a wipe on top of the baby. Still cute.

My boys conference weekend

Deacon also tried to get his other baby to "walk"

Here's some more pictures of the boys from stuff they've been up to lately.