This has been one of Deacon's favorite past-times lately. He doesn't want to sit and be read to, he wants to read to himself. So cute when he does this. Start at the bottom one going up.
Seeing as how we finished our bathroom over a month ago, I figured it was time to post some of the final pictures. There are still a few things I would like to do, like a new light fixture and some sort of frame for the mirror. The green is a little bit more skittle-ish than we thought it would be but we're ok with it. We really like the way the cupboards turned out and will probably do the same thing in the kitchen sometime in the future. Here are some photos of the old bathroom for comparison.
Deacon has become quite the expert at immitating lately. He wants whatever we have and does whatever we do. He likes to sit and babble to himself with a book as though he is reading to himself. And he does not like it when we actually try to read the book to him. He wants to do it himself. He also gets very upset when we don't let him eat/drink what we have. So we've taken to emptying our soda cans into a glass and giving him the can. No, I don't actually let my kid drink soda (though I think James does when I'm not looking). But he does a pretty good job throwin em back. Also, these are some photos of him from church last week. Now, if I've got the camera out he like to strike a pose. He knows what's going on and that I'm focused on him. His hair is pretty stick-uppy so sometimes if I can't get it to lay flat I just stick it all up.
A few weeks ago we brought Deacon home from daycare and found on him several small red bumps. We though for sure he had chicken pox. Until they started to grow. And morph. And we took him to a kidscare clinic and they said it was an allergic reaction. Turns out he's allergic to Amoxcicillin. I really have no idea how to spell that. Anyway. Here are some photos. It looks much worse than it was. Deacon didn't even seem to notice. Even when the ones close to his eyes made his eyes almost swollen shut.