Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Deacon: The New Hanes Baby diaper and sock model...ok just kidding, but he's two months old now

On Sunday when we got home from church we were changing Deacon and he was just too cute in his diaper and socks, I couldn't resist the photo op. We love this little guy. He is two months old today. Don't you just love his blue blue eyes? He had his shots this morning and has been cranky ever since. I think I'm in for a long night!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Deacon's blessing and visit from Grandma and Grandad

This last weekend we had Deacon's baby blessing. We had a lot of the Patterson family come to his blessing- thanks everyone for being there! We also had my parents in town as well as my aunt and her family come down from Ogden for his blessing. It was great to spend time with family. Deacon met his Hodge grandparents for the first time. It was great to have my parents in town- I miss having my family around!