My sister and niece came in town this week. My sister is considering moving her family out to Utah, which I would love, since my only family here is my aunt up in Ogden. Anyhoo, since I knew I would have family in town I decided it would be a good time for a baby shower as well. I know it's a little earlier than most people have showers, but I like to have someone there from my family! Thanks everyone who came and for all the great stuff for baby boy Patterson. 2 and a half long months left. My mom made the two quilts that I'm holding up. While my sister and niece were here, we toured temple square and checked out some things in the area. It was really nice to have them in town. The other pregnant lady in the picture is James' cousins wife, Kendree, who is TWO WEEKS AHEAD of me. Jeez I feel huge.