Once again folks...old school film photography. No edits have been done on these pictures. And, just so you know, I no longer shoot with film unless you request it.
In an attempt to possibly get more photography experience I have decided it's time to make a blog...who knows someone might search and land on me and anything could happen from there. I'm going to have to post backwards though since the most recent pics I have taken will be uploaded first. So for anyone who is interested I have plenty of experience with photography. I have a degree in art and I'm always trying to learn more about it. AND if you do want your pics taken I'M CHEAP!! I'm not trying to make a living off of this just yet, BUT I would like to have more experience. So if you're willing to be a Guinea Pig...hit me up.
James and I went to Cedar this last weekend to visit his sister. She had asked if I would take some pictures of them for their anniversary, and since we never know when they will come up, I decided this weekend was as good a time as any. Unfortunately it was windy and quite cold but I think they turned out pretty good regardless. These are some of my favorites.